[BCMA] New Resource: BCMA Advocacy Calendar

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu May 23 13:30:46 PDT 2024

Hello all,

A slightly belated BC Museums Week resource is now online and it is my
pleasure to share the BCMA Advocacy Calendar!

Based on a suggestion from the BCMA Advocacy Committee, this resource
offers members a month-by-month checklist of impactful advocacy and
government relations steps that you can take. Whether you work for a big
museum or volunteer at a small heritage site, we all have an important role
to play in advocating for a bright future for our sector.

In addition to outlining key provincial and federal dates and
opportunities, the resource concludes with some additional advice for
impactful local government advocacy.

Thanks again to everyone who shared our messages and your own events during
BC Museums Week. Our sector matters and we make a critical impact in our
communities - together, we can tell the story of why museums matter.

All the best,


*Ryan Hunt*
Executive Director
Pronouns: He/him To learn why pronouns are important, click here
The BC Museums Association office is located on the traditional, unceded
lands of the Lekwungen <https://vimeo.com/275788251> peoples (Songhees and
Xwsepsum Nations). We respect past, present, and future Indigenous stewards
and recognize that we are uninvited guests on this territory.

BC Museums Association || 675 Belleville Street  || Victoria, BC || V8W 9W2

Direct: 250-884-0499 || Office: 250-356-5700  || www.museum.bc.ca
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