[BCMA] BC HERN Workshop in Kamloops, June 27th and 28th

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri May 24 09:00:00 PDT 2024

*BC HERN Collections Salvage & Emergency Response Workshop - Kamloops, June
27th and 28th*

The BC Heritage Emergency Response Network is happy to announce its next
workshop in Kamloops.

If you are interested in practicing hands-on emergency response and salvage
techniques and learning about emergency preparedness for cultural
institutions, we invite you to join us!

The workshop is at the *Secwépemc Museum & Heritage Park *from *June 27th
to 28th*, and fees are only $45 (including lunch/coffee).

Find out more at our website <https://bchern.ca/hands-on-workshop/> and
register to attend here:

[image: BC HERN Logo.png]
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