[BCMA] History and BCMA - 1988

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Mon Mar 11 14:31:43 PDT 2024

The Joys of History!   I invite you to take a look at the attached notes 
from Bill Barley's presentation at a March 1988 Conference of the BCMA 
at Harrison Hot Springs.  Just as I was writing this note, one came in 
from BCMA about the new Strategic Plan.   Happy coincidence.   What was 
once thoughtfully new compared with what is now thoughtfully new.   
History comes alive and continues to grow.

Sorting through old file boxes, notes emerged from the 14 March 1988 
BCMA conference "*Getting on Track for the '90s.*. Presenters were Bill 
Barkley, Pat Bovey, Carol Mayer, Nicholas Tuele, Beverly Sommer, Carol 
Tulk Greg Evans and Joy Leach.   It is fascinating to compare with hot 
topics of both the novel new-time things of that 1980s era and the "Are 
we still talking about this?" topics of today, 40 years later!

Attached is a synopsis of Bill Barley's talk an the topic of 
Administration.    Bill was then CEO of the RBCM during a time of great 
change.   He also served as a BCMA Councilor and President of the 
Canadian Museums Association.

A side aspect for this is to note the names that were once so prominent 
in our BCMA museum world and who now are prominent in memory while new 
names create their own history.

Cuyler Page

Heritage Interpretation Services

Vernon BC
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