[BCMA] New to Fundraising

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Mon Oct 16 12:32:30 PDT 2023

Hi Everyone, 
We are new to the BC Museums Association but have been in existence since 1986. We have a free mobile museum that has been going out to community events in the Metro Vancouver area for quite a few years featuring transit history in BC. We are a 100% volunteer non-profit society. It's time to semi-retire our mobile museum as it's built inside a 1957 GM bus and it's nearly worn out. We have plans to build a second mobile museum that will add 20 years to our mobile museum project. This is the only way that the public can see our displays and artifacts as we don't have a physical museum. 

We started a GoFundMe appeal but we're disappointed in the progress. I don't think we're reaching prospective donors who feel that museums are important here in BC. We've put it out on all our social media platforms but they only reach our transit enthusiasts, who we love, but are a fairly narrow demographic. 

Would you have any advice for us? Is there anything you can do to help? Here's the link to the GoFundMe appeal: 

[ https://www.gofundme.com/f/a-new-mobile-museum-inside-a-bus | https://www.gofundme.com/f/a-new-mobile-museum-inside-a-bus ] 


Bryan Larrabee – President 

Transit Museum Society 

[ mailto:president at transitmuseumsociety | president at transitmuseumsociety ] .org 

808-20381 62 nd Ave 

Langley BC V3A5E6 

We are a non-profit society and a registered charity 

Check us out on all the socials 

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