[BCMA] Job Opportunity: Museum Conservator at Burnaby Village Museum

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Nov 1 09:19:10 PDT 2023

Hello there,

Burnaby Village Museum has an exciting job opportunity to share. We are hiring a Museum Conservator! Please share with your networks, friends and family.

This position involves the research, planning, and implementation of an artifact conservation program within the Burnaby Village Museum. The incumbent cleans, handles, and maintains artifacts and cultural belongings, and prepares condition reports, and advises other museum staff of conservation considerations in the transportation, mounting and display of artifacts and other materials. The job includes the need to work with large industrial objects and oversee conservation of heritage buildings and structures. The position includes monitoring the environment of storage and display areas, instructing museum staff in the care and handling of artifacts and cultural belongings, providing technical assistance to curatorial and display staff, and conducting on-going research on conservation techniques.

Qualifications includes completion of a master’s degree in conservation plus some experience in museum conservation work or an equivalent combination of training and experience.

Duration: Regular Full Time
Salary: $6,212 – 6,471 – 6,742 – 7,037 – 7,335/month
Schedule: 70 hours bi-weekly

Apply online here<https://tre.tbe.taleo.net/tre01/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=CITYBURNABY&cws=37&rid=5983>! We look forward to hearing from you.


Kate Petrusa
Assistant Curator
Direct: 604-297-4559
She | Her | Hers
City of Burnaby  |  Parks, Recreation and Culture
Burnaby Village Museum
6501 Deer Lake Ave |  Burnaby, BC V5G 3T6

Our Purpose: To create the city that we all want to live in and be in.

The City of Burnaby respectfully acknowledges that Burnaby is located on the ancestral and unceded homelands of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples.

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