[BCMA] Red Ribbon Round It walking tour app launched

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Jun 21 15:14:49 PDT 2022

Hi there - the Nelson Museum is excited to announce the official launch of
the *Red Ribbon Round It* walking tour, a self-guided tour of the 2nd floor
Museum space that was originally created in 2020 as an interventionist
exhibition in the space. This tour app allows access to the exhibition at
any time, and is an incredible learning tool for school groups, visitors
and locals who want to know more about how the Indian Act has shaped, and
continues to affect, the lives of Indigenous people. More details are in
the attached press release.

The tour will be available starting today, I realize this will miss the
print deadline for most publications, but would appreciate it if it could
be shared in online publications where available.

Please contact me if you would like additional information.


Stephanie Delnea
Communications Coordinator
Touchstones Nelson: Museum of Art and History
P: 250-352-9813 x.204
c: 250-505-8153

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Touchstones Nelson: Museum of Art and History acknowledges that the Museum
resides on the traditional unceded territory of the Sinixt and Ktunaxa
Nations. We would like to thank and acknowledge the Sinixt, Yaqan Nukiy
Ktunaxa and the Métis people for the opportunity to live, learn and share
in cultural experiences in this beautiful place. Learn More
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