[BCMA] Information session for UBC's Master of Museum Education - January 20, 4:00 - 5:30 PST

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu Jan 13 21:45:21 PST 2022

Applications for the next intake of the Master of Museum Education (MMEd) <https://pdce.educ.ubc.ca/mmed/> at the University of British Columbia are open until March 20, 2022!
The MMEd is a unique degree program focusing on the study of education and learning in museums and other informal learning contexts such as art galleries, science centres, parks, and historic sites.
Part-time and 90% online, the program is ideally suited for currently practicing museum professionals who seek recognized graduate-level qualifications and high-level professional development to progress their careers. Equally, the program caters to those who seek careers as educators in informal settings, or professional development for classroom-based teachers seeking to expand their use of the community as a learning site.
Please join us on January 20, 4:00-5:30PM (PST) for an online information session to learn more about the program. You will hear from program directors and faculty and have the opportunity to ask questions about the program and the application process. Register for the information session here <https://pdce.educ.ubc.ca/mmed-master-of-museum-education-jan-20-2022-info-session-rsvp/>.
We look forward to sharing more with you on January 20 at the information session.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. David Anderson, Dr. Lisa McIntosh, Dr. Marie-France Bernard, Dr. Jill Baird
Directors and Faculty
Master of Museum Education (MMEd)
University of British Columbia
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