[BCMA] Arts Re-Entry Clinic is open!

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Mon Nov 15 15:37:35 PST 2021

Arts Re-entry Clinic <reentryclinic at artistslegaloutreach.com>
3:27 PM (6 minutes ago)
to listserv

Artists Legal Outreach, Arts BC, and the BC Museums Association are pleased
to announce that the Arts Re-Entry Clinic is now open!

There are myriad questions facing arts, culture and heritage organizations
as programs, presentations, and performances resume amid the fourth wave of
the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Arts Re-Entry Clinic provides summary advice telephone service to help
galleries, theatre companies, museums and other arts based organizations
navigate the uncertainties of the Public Health Orders and how they impact
relationships between employers, culture workers and audiences.

Summary legal advice related to Covid-19 is available to non-profit
BC-based arts organizations with* annual budgets under $1,000,000.
Priority will be given to those under $250,000.*

Through this website
our summary advice telephone service, we aim to help galleries, theatre
companies, museums and other arts based organizations navigate the
uncertainties and grey areas of the Public Health Orders and how they
impact relationships between employers, culture workers and audiences.

For more information, please visit our website:

[image: Arts Re-Entry Clinic (Twitter Post).png]

*Arts Re-Entry Clinic:* a legal clinic for the Arts & Culture and Heritage
sectors. Powered by PLEO and the Artists' Legal Outreach, Arts BC, and the
BC Museums Association, funded by BC Arts Council.
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