[BCMA] Fwd: BC Arts Council - board vacancies
Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Jul 28 16:22:51 PDT 2021
Dear colleagues,
There are currently two vacancies on the BC Arts Council board.
New members are sought to play an active role in shaping the direction of
funding for arts and culture in British Columbia.
The board consists of 15 members, broadly representative of the regions and
the artistic communities of the province, and is responsible for the
strategic direction for the BC Arts Council, evaluating performance
measures, providing stewardship for the delivery of the Council’s mandate,
and reporting to the public, the government, and stakeholders.
To help reflect contemporary British Columbia, women, Indigenous Peoples,
People of Colour, persons with disabilities, persons of diverse sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression (LGBTQ2S+), and others who may
contribute to diversity are encouraged to put their names forward for these
Appointments are made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
Information has been posted to the BC Arts Council website
and via our social media channels:
*Twitter *
#bcartscouncil #BCarts #BCculture
You can learn more and apply through the B.C. Government website
Please share these opportunities within your own networks.
If you have any questions related to this communication, please contact:
Allison Bottomley, Senior Director, BC Arts Council Secretariat and
Strategic Engagement
allison.bottomley at gov.bc.ca | 778.698-3529
*Allison Bottomley **(she/her/hers)*
Senior Director, BC Arts Council Secretariat and Strategic Engagement
Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport
778 698-3529 (direct) | 250 356-1718 (reception)
*COVID-19: *We are committed to supporting B.C.’s artists and cultural
organizations through this difficult time. This includes updating our
policies and programs as necessary to match the challenges the sector is
now facing. The most up-to-date information will always be posted on our
dedicated COVID 19 FAQ page
<https://www.bcartscouncil.ca/funding/covid-19-updates-and-faq/> and
individual program pages. Updates will also be announced on our Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/BritishColumbiaArtsCouncil/>, and Twitter
<https://twitter.com/BCArtsCouncil> accounts.
1st Floor 800 Johnson Street
PO Box 9819 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9W3
Reach us toll-free through Enquiry BC: 1-800-663-7867
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
*The BC Arts Council acknowledges that it carries out its work on the land
of Indigenous nations throughout British Columbia. We are grateful for the
continuing relationships with Indigenous people in B.C. that develop
through our work together. We acknowledge and raise our hands to the
Lkwungen people, known today as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations, on
whose ancestral lands we operate our main offices. *
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