[BCMA] Summer Job Posting

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Mon Apr 26 16:05:16 PDT 2021

*The Pitt Meadows Museum is hiring a Summer Museum Collections Technician*

A student who meets YCW qualifications and who has an interest in local 
history and industrial heritage is a preferred candidate, but any YCW 
qualified student wishing to experience summer work in a Museum is most 
welcome to apply.

Duties will include: a re-accessioning of up to 14 pieces of farm 
machinery including photo documentation, condition assessment, cleaning 
and coating, researching original colours and the shape of missing 
wooden and other parts.The Technician will also work with staff and 
volunteers to coordinate the reconstruction of missing parts.As the Pitt 
Meadows Museum is a small facility, the Technician will also help with 
programming and work relief for visitor services at our two sites.

The position runs for 10 weeks beginning the middle of June. Days and 
hours are Wednesday through Sunday from 10:00am to 4:15pm with some 
variation of hours to accommodate (Covid permitting) programs and events.

Remuneration for the position is $16.00 per hour with 4% vacation pay.

This position is dependent on funding from the YCW program and 
candidates must meet the hiring criteria of the YCW program /(//full 
time student returning full time in the fall; a Canadian 
citizen/permanent resident/Canadian refugee status; legally entitled to 
work in Canada; and registered/or will register with the YCW candidate 
inventory  -- https://young-canada-works.canada.ca; and be able to 
commit to the days/hours/duration of the work term.

Apply with cover letter and resume by May 23rd to: 
pittmeadowsmuseum at telus.net or pittmeadowsmuseumandarchives at gmail.com, 
attention Leslie Norman.

Leslie Norman, Curator
Pitt Meadows Museum & Archives/PMHMS
12294 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y 2E9
604-465-4322   pittmeadowsmuseum at telus.net

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