[BCMA] Books available from BV Museum

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Mon Apr 26 11:02:08 PDT 2021

Good morning,

The Bulkley Valley Museum is trying to find homes for various titles
removed from our library. These have previously been circulated, but doing
a "second pass" just to ensure we can't transfer any additional titles to
Canadian museums or archives.

If you would like to receive any of the books, please let me know by Friday
May 7th. For any shipping costs over $20 we would ask that the receiving
institution reimburse for half of the cost.

My best,



*Kira Westby**, MA*
Bulkley Valley Museum
1425 Main Street
<https://maps.google.com/?q=1425+Main+Street&entry=gmail&source=g> (PO Box
Smithers, British Columbia

Phone: (250) 847-5322
Email: curator at bvmuseum.org
Website: www.bvmuseum.org
Facebook: facebook.com/bulkleyvalleymuseum
Twitter: @BV_Museum <https://twitter.com/BV_Museum>

*Check out our collections online: search.bvmuseum.org
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