[BCMA] LMME Meet Up - Engaging Volunteer Facilitators, Tuesday, June 11 3:30 pm - 5:30 PM - Science World (Vancouver)

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Jun 4 12:35:28 PDT 2024

LMME: Engaging Volunteer Facilitators

How do you give your volunteer facilitator/interpreter/communicator team
the skills they need to shine with visitors and connect with your
organization?   Join Science World as we explore some of the techniques
used with our amazing volunteers.  Come prepared to share things that have
worked well for you.

We will also have a chance to explore Science World’s award-winning new
“Creative Technology” immersive gallery and share some of the stories that
went behind its creation.

Tuesday, June 11
3:30 pm - 5:30 PM - Science World (Vancouver)

RSVP here!

[image: VIMELMME.png]


Lorenda Calvert
Program Manager

Pronouns: she/her. To learn why pronouns are important, click here

The BC Museums Association office is located on the traditional, unceded
lands of the Lekwungen <https://vimeo.com/275788251> peoples (Songhees and
Xwsepsum Nations). We respect past, present, and future Indigenous stewards
and recognize that we are uninvited guests on this territory.

BC Museums Association || 675 Belleville Street  || Victoria, BC || V8W 9W2

museum.bc.ca <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
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