[BCMA] BC Government ICI Recycling Survey

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Jun 4 11:11:00 PDT 2024

The Government of BC has opened an engagement opportunity on Institutional,
Commercial, Industrial (ICI) recycling in BC. In essence, the government is
looking for input into if a system like RecycleBC (which manages
residential packaging recycling) should be extended to the ICI sector.

There are some significant benefits for museums, particularly those in
smaller communities, which would have access to a more comprehensive
plastic and other packaging recycling.

Interested organizations and individuals should complete the individual
questionnaire (about 5 minutes), and for those with the capacity to write a
letter in response, asking for better access to affordable and
comprehensive recycling options and encouraging reuse.

Preventing Waste Outside the Home - govTogetherBC
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