[BCMA] Oliver and District Heritage Society AGM

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Sat Jun 1 14:49:08 PDT 2024

Hello, I would like to extent an open invitation to anyone in the Oliver and Okanagan Valley region interested in attending our AGM June 5 at 7pm. However, out-of-towners are totally welcome too! More info can be found on our website. https://www.oliverheritage.ca/#newsandevents
Thanks so much!

Kind Regards,
Janell Lancaster
Oliver & District Heritage Society Museum and Archives
www.oliverheritage.ca<http://www.oliverheritage.ca/> l 250-689-6655l 474 School Avenue, Oliver BC

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I acknowledge that my work place is within the unceded, ancestral, and traditional territory of the syilx Okanagan Nation.

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