[BCMA] Support Your Staff Through The IBPOC Network

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Jul 2 13:55:12 PDT 2024

Looking for ways to support IBPOC staff and community?

 Let them know the IBPOC Network can be a space for them!


Be an ally and spread the word about the IBPOC Network within your own networks! 
We all want to create a more inclusive sector that genuinely supports and cares about its racialized workers. This is the first step.


What is the IBPOC Network? 

Responding to the immediate needs identified by racially marginalized cultural workers, the IBPOC Network provides 
specialized support for IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, People of Colour) students, volunteers, and professionals through workshops, webinars, networking, and resource development.

Download the 'Stats at a Glance Poster' here

Coming Up in the Network-  

IBPOC Tea and Talks

The IBPOC Network’s Tea and Talk sessions are 

accountable spaces for radicalized workers, students, and volunteers to meet and build professional relationships.

Knowing that we cannot guarantee a safe space for everyone, we aim to create an accountable one.

Folks can share their experiences, 
seek advice, and build peer support networks; a
 great, free way to meet fellow professionals of colour and uplift each other. 

Tell your IBPOC staff/community about the Tea and Talks!

Encouraging IBPOC team members to participate in IBPOC Network sessions during paid work time is a very simple way to 
meet any equity and inclusion commitments your organization has made. 

Our next in person and online sessions are shown above. Please check out 

our website for the schedule, and see if Tea and Talk is coming in-person near you soon! 

Learn more about the IBPOC Network


BC Museums Association

675 Belleville St.

Victoria, Canada


bcma at museum.bc.ca

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