[BCMA] Outreach kits

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Feb 14 15:48:06 PST 2024

Inserted below is a copy of a note regarding a very creative program 
shared between the local museum and art gallery in Yakima, Washington.   
It could function as an outreach program too.


I often feel there could be stronger connections between art galleries 
and museums.   A practical example was in Yakima, Washington where the 
local museum and art gallery worked together to achieve major funding 
for a joint education program.  Located a couple of blocks apart, which 
allowed for a simple walk between the two, they put together a unified 
program for school class visits.   The intent was to economize bus costs 
for visits by having classes visit both places during a unified field 
trip, extending the hours of a class outing and providing a greater 
educational experience through a shared program.   Because it was novel 
and oriented community wide, the project was totally funded for its 
first year including bussing costs, by a local bank which encouraged 
that every school in the district should have a access to it.

There were three topics a class could select from for a visit.  1) Form 
& Function, 2) Light & Color, and 3) Texture and Volume.   The art 
gallery and the museum each created their own programs for those topics, 
and each class would pick one topic for their day of visit.   The unity 
between the institutions proved very very interesting and the program 
was designed to meet all the needs of the State's guide for curriculum 
to allow for the class outings.   It was a brilliant program and the 
appreciation that developed between the two institutions was a joy to 
witness for each brought true creativity to the results.   I have long 
wished for something like this in our region.


Cuyler Page

Vernon, BC

On 2024-02-14 10:31 a.m., Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv wrote:
> Hello,
> We are in the final stages of creating a series of outreach exhibit 
> kits that will go to classrooms with an employee or volunteer to 
> facilitate hands on learning. I am curious if other museums have 
> similar programs and what, if anything, you charge for this 
> experience. Thank you for your assistance!
> Elizabeth Shaw (she/her)
> Programs Manager
> Sooke Region Museum
> 250-642-6351
> /The Sooke Region Museum operates in the territories of the T’Sou-ke, 
> Scia’new, and Pacheedaht peoples, who have inhabited this land since 
> time immemorial./
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