Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu Mar 2 22:31:24 PST 2023

Hello BCMA:
Please be advised that we have a new exhibit " SADLY FORGOTTEN AND PRESENT-DAYSHOPS:THE BOOK AND FINE ART PRINTING TRADE ON CAMBIE ST." March 1st-July 4th. 2023.The Roedde House Museum 1415 Barclay Street, Vancouver. The idea "caught fire" when a historical similarity of location was noticed between G.A. Roedde Bindery (1895) and E.C. Rare Books (2023) at 323 Cambie St.

Commencing with the G.A. Roedde Bindery in 1895, the exhibit fast forwards to the 1960s with Wil Hudson and the Alcuin Society’s first publishing projects. Mentored by Hudson, Gerald Giampa was a fine printer and type designer. He ran Cobblestone Press in the 1970s and 1980s. Nowadays E.C. Rare Books and Charles van Sandwyk occupy different shops on Cambie St. The display will demonstrate how forgotten and current shops on Cambie through the decades, housed and continue to incorporate, a very talented group of individuals in the book and fine art printing trade.
James Gibson
Roedde House Museum

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