Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Jan 10 16:12:57 PST 2023

Hi Ron,
Alas, there are not many miracles in the world today.  And tape is certainly not among them.  If tape is sticky enough to hold things together, it will be difficult to remove.  The glue that is the operative part of tape will not distinguish between your precious treasure and a mounting board – the residue may stick more to one or more to the other; the dried, intractable residue will be difficult to remove from either if it stuck there in the first place.  The residue may be unsightly and it may cause dyes to discolour.
So if your interest is in preservation, tape or glue of any kind is not the best choice.
Things that are quick and easy rarely are.
I imagine that the badges are machine-embroidered fabric.  So I would suggest that sewing is your cleanest approach.  Hand sewing will make the least impact and can secure either a Velcro tab or a tiny pocket for a magnet .  If you decide on the former, I would recommend machine zigzagging the Velcro to cotton twill tape first – it is difficult to hand-stitch through the Velcro.  Attach one side of the Velcro to the badges – a few stitches will be enough.  Staple the other side to your mounting board.  Do not be tempted by the adhesive-backed Velcro.  Hook-and-loop fastener (which is what Velcro is) is stronger than the adhesive and when you try to reposition the badge, it will likely remove the mounting tab leaving only a sticky spot on your mount.  Velcro and cotton twill tape are available by the metre at fabric stores. Magnets are another option – a tiny rare-earth magnet can be enclosed in twill tape and stitched to the back of the badge and metal washers screwed to your backing board.  Rare earth magnets are available at Lee Valley, and the smallest will support far more weight than a Scout badge.
1000 badges will take some sewing, but isn’t Sewing a Scout badge?
Alternately, if mounting these is for display, you could photograph them and mount the (disposable) photographs any old way while keeping your irreplaceable badges safe elsewhere.  Badges on display will fade if exhibited in bright light.  They will also become soiled from dust in the air and possible handling.
Conservation is usually a compromise.  Stable materials, minimal handling, stable levels of humidity and low light levels are all conducive to preservation.  However, without exposure, people tend to lose connection with the Past.  There are no right or wrong answers here, just difficult choices.
Good luck with your project,
Colleen Wilson        Textile Conservator  |  Collections Care and Conservation

Traditional Territory of the Lekwungen (Songhees and Xwsepsum Nations)
675 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8W 9W2
T 250 387-3573
CWILSON at royalbcmuseum.bc.ca<mailto:CWILSON at royalbcmuseum.bc.ca>   |  royalbcmuseum.bc.ca  <https://royalbcmuseum.bc.ca>

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From: Buttle, Lauren RBCM:EX <LButtle at royalbcmuseum.bc.ca>
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 4:34 PM
To: listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Cc: Wilson, Colleen RBCM:EX <CWILSON at royalbcmuseum.bc.ca>

Hello Ron,

My suggestion may or may not be helpful.  In my experience, “archival” tape is extremely difficult to remove once applied.  I usually encounter it on paper so you might have more luck having it removed from textiles (I assume the badges are textiles?) but I would not recommend attaching it directly to collection material, generally speaking.  Also, there is no real, legally-binding definition of the word “archival” as it pertains to consumer products (to my knowledge) so just because a tape is described as “archival” doesn’t mean you won’t get residues left behind.  If these badges are irreplaceable and part of your permanent collection, you might want to find another alternative.

Just to through out another possible suggestion – could you sew the badges to some canvas and then apply Velcro to that?  Or sew magnets between two pieces of canvas and then sew the badges to that?  Maybe also add some archival board in the canvas magnet bags to provide some rigid support for the badges?  I know that would be a great deal more labour to mount but it would also afford you a great deal of flexibility.  Plus the whole process would be completely reversible.  Just a suggestion though – perhaps there are some textiles experts out there with more insight.

I hope that is helpful.

Kind regards,
Lauren Buttle    (She/Her)        Archival Conservator  |  Archives
Traditional Territory of the Lekwungen (Songhees and Xwsepsum Nations)
675 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8W 9W2
T 250 208-0370
LButtle at royalbcmuseum.bc.ca<mailto:LButtle at royalbcmuseum.bc.ca>   |  royalbcmuseum.bc.ca  <https://royalbcmuseum.bc.ca>

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It’s back! Don’t miss the stunningly evocative Wildlife Photographer of the Year<https://royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/visit/exhibitions/wildlife-photographer-year-2022> exhibition, on now.
Watch unlimited documentaries and save 20% on museum admission along with many, many other perks with your purchase of an IMAX® Victoria Annual Pass<https://imaxvictoria.com/annual-pass/>.

From: Listserv <listserv-bounces at lists.museum.bc.ca<mailto:listserv-bounces at lists.museum.bc.ca>> On Behalf Of Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 1:45 PM
To: Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv <listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca<mailto:listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca>>
Cc: Kim Lanyon <rainbowkim1 at hotmail.com<mailto:rainbowkim1 at hotmail.com>>

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Hi everyone

I am looking for your experience and some suggestions for acid free, double sided archival tape
as to brands, costs and where to buy them.

We are wanting to attach about 1000 Scout badges to 40 corrugated plastic badge boards for display.

So, what we need is 1 to 1&1/2” wide tape, probably 30 meters long that will:
a) not damage the badges
b) allow us to replace badges when necessary, and
b) a product that will last for several years without deteriorating

Note: We have looked at various options used by others such as green painters tape, alien tape, glue,
staples, pins and teacher’s putty etc. etc., however these have not turned out to be good solutions in
the past as they have become dried out and brittle, left a residue or damaged the badges.

Ron Bilinsky
Victoria Scout Museum (505 Marigold Rd. Victoria)
2338 Sunriver Way, Sooke BC V9Z 0Y4
Email ronbilinsky at shaw.ca<mailto:ronbilinsky at shaw.ca>
Phone 250-664-7048

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