[BCMA] Adding accession numbers to archaeological items held in a repository

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Dec 13 21:03:20 PST 2023

Dear all esp Holly
I'm a conservator , a Brit married to a Canuck,currently in  theUK, so
cannot come and see or do anything now .
paper labels adhered are not safe, paper burns, gets eaten falls off  and
turns to papier mache in a flood , rips - try tyvek
It might be more of a hassle but can you use Paraloid b72 or 67 chemically
it is a methyl methacrylate copolymer , your most important neighbours to
the south call it Acryloid , made by Rohm and Haas available from
conservation supplies

If you have to make it put in a mesh, with colour doesnt come out or
dissolve in IMS(alcohol) acetone (or you could toluene ) I'd do in acetone
and suspend the 'beans' in the solution .

It should be ok with any artefact  , that does not need conservation , any
queries  Holly or others may have , ask away
Paul Harrison BSc  archaeology conservation MSc historic  metallurgy  FIIC
(other queries my sphere too  can be asked)

On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 at 00:38, Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv <
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca> wrote:

> Hello all,
> The Kitimat Museum & Archives serves as a repository for archaeological
> materials uncovered in the Kitimat area, with the approval of the Haisla
> Nation. These materials include stone tools, animal bones, and
> glass/metal/ceramic objects, from both pre- and post-contact eras. They
> come to us with a number already assigned to them based on the site they
> were recovered at, ex. GaTe9:13. We then give them our own accession
> numbers like any other artifact, ex. 2023.40, for record-keeping purposes.
> What we're wondering is whether it's okay to physically add our accession
> numbers to the artifact, using the nail hardener and ink method (as we do
> for all our other non-paper/textile artifacts). Some of them already have
> the site number added to them, typed on tiny strips of paper that are
> adhered to the artifact. Would adding our own numbers damage the artifacts,
> esp. the organic ones? Furthermore, are the artifacts not truly 'ours' as
> we are merely a repository for them, and if that's the case, is it
> appropriate to add our numbers, or would it merely cause further confusion?
> If anyone can advise on this issue, it would be much appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Holly Peterson
> *Holly Peterson | She / Her*
> *Manager of Collections & Programming*
> Kitimat Museum & Archives
> 293 City Centre
> Kitimat, BC   V8C 1T6
> Tel:  250-632-8951
> Website:  www.kitimatmuseum.ca
> *The Kitimat Museum & Archives is located on the traditional and unceded
> territory of the x¯a’isla Nation.*
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