[BCMA] NEDCC Sept Preservation Training and Emergency Preparedness Resources
Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu Aug 31 07:19:46 PDT 2023
Greetings from the Northeast Document Conservation Center<https://www.nedcc.org/>! Below are preservation-related training opportunities in the upcoming month and resources for emergency preparedness. Full training descriptions and registration are available online<https://www.nedcc.org/preservation-training/training-currentlist>. The recordings of free preservation webinars are available on YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSqxpHY476Jy1ffYgdE6JahUxhHvoK155>.
Webinars and Workshops
09/07 - Care and Reformatting of Microfilm (webinar)
09/14 - Exhibit Cradles for Bound Volumes (webinar)
09/26 - Disaster Planning for Extended Closures (webinar)
09/28 - Fundamentals of AV Preservation Course (6-session webinar)
For follow-up questions, please reach out to the Preservation Services team at info at nedcc.org<mailto:info at nedcc.org>.
Emergency Preparedness Resources
1. Visit NEDCC's Disaster Assistance<https://www.nedcc.org/free-resources/disaster-assistance/> page for fire and water damage resources, preparedness tips, and a list of expert institutions that can help with related matters.
NEDCC Preservation Leaflets<https://www.nedcc.org/free-resources/preservation-leaflets/overview> include a series on Emergency Management<https://www.nedcc.org/free-resources/preservation-leaflets/overview#section3> with information about water damage, mold, pests, fire detection, security, planning, and prevention.
dPlan|ArtsReady<https://www.dplan.org/> is an online emergency preparedness and response tool for arts and cultural organizations, regardless of size, scope, or discipline. Create an Account for the free Pocket Response Resource or an annual subscription to the full-featured dPlan|ArtsReady to kick-start your disaster planning.
Preservation 101<https://www.nedcc.org/preservation101/welcome> is an online textbook that includes a chapter on emergency preparedness for paper-based collections.
Fundamentals of AV Preservation is an online textbook that includes a chapter on emergency preparedness and response for audiovisual materials. http://nedcc.org/.../fundamen.../nedcc-AVFun-5.22-final3.pdf
A number of funding agencies make grants available for assessments, conservation treatment, digitization, audio preservation, and other preservation activities. We've collected a list of upcoming opportunities and deadlines for Funding Opportunities<https://www.nedcc.org/free-resources/funding-opportunities/overview> that NEDCC can help plan and carry out, as well as offer advice on planning proposals.
Ryn Marchese
Marketing Manager
NEDCC | Northeast Document Conservation Center
100 Brickstone Square
Andover, MA 01810
Andover Office: 978.470.1010
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