[BCMA] Hill Day 2023 - Join the BCMA and CMA in Advocating for the Impact of Museums

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Apr 18 08:12:33 PDT 2023

Hello all,

Starting today delegates from the BCMA Council, staff, and Indigenous
Advisory Committee are in Ottawa to support the Canadian Museum
Association's 2023 Hill Day. Events like this are an essential way to tell
the story of our sector to elected officials, government staff, and

Attached you'll find an infographic with key advocacy points for the 2023
event and we encourage you to follow us on social media as we share photos
from today's meetings, tonight's reception, and tomorrow's advocacy.

Follow us on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/bc_museums_association)
and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/BCMuseumsAssn/). If you are able, we
encourage you to re-share our posts over the next two days and use the data
from this infographic in your own community advocacy work.

And don't forget, BC Museums Week is coming up next month. If you want to
share a story about the impact of museums, galleries, and heritage sites,
apply for a microgrant.

All the best,


*Ryan Hunt*
Executive Director
Pronouns: He/him To learn why pronouns are important, click here

The BC Museums Association office is located on the traditional, unceded
lands of the Lekwungen <https://vimeo.com/275788251> peoples (Songhees and
Xwsepsum Nations). We respect past, present, and future Indigenous stewards
and recognize that we are uninvited guests on this territory.

BC Museums Association || 675 Belleville Street  || Victoria, BC || V8W 9W2

Direct: 250-884-0499 || Office: 250-356-5700  || www.museum.bc.ca
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