[BCMA] Call for Nominations for BCMA’s Annual Awards

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue May 31 12:43:56 PDT 2022

*Submit a BCMA Award Nomination! *

Do you know an individual or organization that has demonstrated their
commitment to service through innovation and excellence within the sector?
Nominate them for one of our annual awards!

We continue to see British Columbia’s cultural heritage organizations find
new ways to push the boundaries of what it means to be a “museum.” These
organizations, and the individuals behind them, are challenging
expectations, championing their communities, and creating innovative
solutions to ongoing uncertainty. Now, more than ever, they deserve to be
recognized for their ingenuity, activism, and dedication.

The BCMA invites nominations for the 2022 BCMA Awards to highlight these
contributions to the cultural heritage sector. All BCMA members are
encouraged to take stock of the accomplishments made by your organization,
co-workers, partners, and stakeholders to identify and nominate those who
deserve to be recognized and honoured with an Award.

*Visit our website at
<https://museum.bc.ca/bcma-awards-2022-call-for-nominations/> to view
awards categories and find out more about the nomination process.*

The *deadline *for nominations is *June 12*.

[image: Awards.jpg]
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