[BCMA] Books for donation to BC museums

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Mon May 30 10:44:52 PDT 2022

Good morning,

Thank you for taking the time to view this list. I am currently downsizing
to move sometime at the end of June.

I am looking to donate the following books in exchange for receiving a
small tax receipt.

* 1001 British Columbia Place Names - G. P. V. & Helen B. Akrigg
* Ghost Towns of British Columbia - Bruce Ramsey
* Canada Before Confederation - R. Cole Harris & John Warkentin
* Canada One Hundred 1867-1967
* Santuary For the Heart - Michael Duncan

Photos are attached. I've done this for a number of years now and am hoping
that someone wants these to be part of their collection. I'm hoping that
one group wants all, but who knows.

Thank you for your time.


David Phipps
307-1279 Nicola Street
Vancouver BC
V6G 2E8
E-mail: davidnphipps at hotmail.com
Telephone: 604-687-2951
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