[BCMA] Event Registration Reminder: Indigenous History Month and International Archives Week (June 6-12, 2022)
Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu May 19 11:52:13 PDT 2022
[Please excuse cross-posting]
*** June 2022 Lineup of events in honour and celebration of Indigenous History Month and International Archives Week (June 6-12, 2022) ***
Don't forget to register for the following Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) events ASAP - some session have limited capacity and spot are going quickly. You don't need to be an ACA member to attend and fees noted below are the fees paid by all. Hope to see you there!!
** The Reconciliation Framework: Open Conversation with Members of the TRC-TF **
June 1 @ 1pm (EST) via Zoom
Cost: Free
Do you have questions about the Reconciliation Framework? [see Framework here: https://archives2026.files.wordpress.com/2020/07/reconciliationframeworkforarchives_july2020_en.pdf ] Are you worried you won't be able to apply the recommendations to your institutional context? Well, let's talk about it! Bring your questions or concerns to this conversation and together let's find some solutions!
ACA Registration Link: https://archivists.ca/event-4816993
** The First Nations Principles of OCAP - a presentation by Kristine Neglia, First Nations Information Governance Centre**
June 7@ 4pm-5:30pm (EST) via Zoom
Cost: $25
Join Kristine Neglia, Manager of Education & Training at the First Nations Information Governance Centre as she presents the First Nations principles of OCAP®. Standing for ownership, control, access and possession, OCAP® is a tool to support strong information governance on the path to First Nations data sovereignty. If you work with First Nations, or First Nations-related records, OCAP will make you re-consider how you interact with First Nations data!
ACA Registration Link: https://archivists.ca/event-4824707
** Kairos Canada, Virtual Blanket Exercise **
June 8 @ 4pm-7pm (EST) via Zoom
Cost: $50; seats are limited to 45
Join Kairos Canada workshop facilitator Jessica Prichard as she leads participants in a virtual Blanket Exercise. This interactive, Indigenous-led workshop uses Indigenous methodologies in a virtual context to build understanding about our shared history as Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. Participants will be encouraged to get actively involved in this creative, digital environment in order to fully engage with this shared history on an emotional and intellectual level.
ACA Registration Link: https://archivists.ca/event-4673501
** "Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach to Archives" workshop **
June 9th @ 6pm (EST) via Zoom
Cost: $125 (AUS) / $113 (CDN) ; seats limited to 20
Hosted by the Australian Society of Archivists, this 3hr workshop will consider how archives can use the principles of trauma-informed practice to provide a better service for all who use and engage with archives. Trauma-informed archival practice enables better connections with those who use archives, facilitates a reimagining about what archives can be for everyone; and challenges current models of archival work.
ASA Registration link: https://www.archivists.org.au/events/event/virtual-workshop-implementing-trauma-informed-archival-practice
Erica Hernández-Read
Association of Canadian Archivists
Suite 1912 - 130 Albert St.
Ottawa, ON, K1P 5G4
Email: mailto: mailto:acapresident at archivists.ca
Web: http://www.archivists.ca/
The ACA acknowledges that our offices, located in Ottawa, are on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.
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