[BCMA] Job Posting: Museum Coordinator

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri May 13 15:21:08 PDT 2022

Éy swáyel all,

The Chilliwack Museum & Archives is recruiting for the position of Museum Coordinator.

The Museum Coordinator is responsible for a wide range of administrative, office management, volunteer, and event functions at the Chilliwack Museum & Archives. The Museum Coordinator is a highly collaborative professional, working in consort with a dynamic team of colleagues. The Museum Coordinator serves as an important representative of the Chilliwack Museum & Archives, acting as a liaison with the public on matters pertaining to Chilliwack’s history and material culture.

Please see the attached job description for more details.

Ch’ithométsel  (I thank you)

Shawna Maurice

Executive Director

Chilliwack Museum and Archives

45820 Spadina Avenue

Chilliwack, BC V2P 1T3

Phone: (604) 795-5210 x.101

Find us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/ChilliwackMuseumArchives>

The Chilliwack Museum & Archives is located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Ts’elxwéyeqw and

Pelólhxw communities of the Stó:lō. We are thankful for the opportunity to live and learn on this territory.

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