[BCMA] ministry mining and other reports available

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu Mar 24 14:48:17 PDT 2022

Good afternoon museum and archive colleagues!


We were recently given several BC ministry reports and related items,
largely pertaining to mining. Most are outside our area of geographic
interest, or beyond our collecting mandate. We let the donor know that we
would circulate the rest to museums and archives in the province. 


In addition to the list attached, there are several annual Minister of Mines
reports from 1910s-1940s. They are the same ones available here:
but if anyone wants to receive any hardcopies let me know and I can give a
list of specific available years.    


We would ask that the receiving institution please pay at least 50% of any
shipping costs over $15.


Please advise by Friday April 8th if there are any you would like to


My best, 




Kira Westby, MA
Bulkley Valley Museum
1425 Main Street (PO Box 2615)
Smithers, British Columbia

Phone:  <tel:%28250%29%20847-5322> (250) 847-5322
Email:  <mailto:curator at bvmuseum.org> curator at bvmuseum.org 
Website:  <http://www.bvmuseum.org> www.bvmuseum.org 
Facebook:  <https://www.facebook.com/bulkleyvalleymuseum>
Twitter:  <https://twitter.com/BV_Museum> @BV_Museum 

Check out our collections online:  <http://search.bvmuseum.com/>




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