[BCMA] BC Arts Council Professional Development grant now open

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Jun 7 09:12:54 PDT 2022

BC Art Council's Professional Development grant assists professional artists, cultural practitioners, production and technical personnel, and arts administrators:

  *   to attend career and professional development opportunities which require travel; or
  *   with specific, short-term learning activities that will advance their practice or career.
Awards are not intended to support the creation of new work, self-directed learning, or full-time studies.

You can find more information about the Professional Development Program, including full program guidelines, eligibility criteria and an application preview, on the program page<https://www.bcartscouncil.ca/program/professional-development-3/>.

The grant application deadline is June 30.

BC Arts Council Program Advisors will also hold an Information Session on this program on Wednesday, June 8, from 11:00 - 12:00 PT.

Register for the info session in advance at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItc-6gpj4iG9MJ98FTvjxhX2TKZ4m7YeOG

Captioning is available for this session. If you require other accessibility services or accommodations to participate fully (ie: ASL), please let us know as far in advance as possible. We will endeavor to meet your needs, and if not possible due to availability of the service, we can schedule an alternate time when services are available to review the program with you. Please contact our Accessibility Coordinator Clayton Baraniuk for more information at 250-978-9839 or email clayton.baraniuk at gov.bc.ca<mailto:clayton.baraniuk at gov.bc.ca>.

For general information or further assistance, please contact:

Telephone: 250-356-1718

Email: bcartscouncil at gov.bc.ca<mailto:bcartscouncil at gov.bc.ca>

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