[BCMA] Compensation Question: How much am I worth?!?!
Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Jan 12 13:09:44 PST 2022
Hello all.
The Alberni Project Society, the umbrella organization for both The HMCS
ALBERNI Museum and Memorial (HAMM) and The Alberni Project (TAP) might be
in a position in the near future to create our two main jobs in the museum
as “paid” positions instead of the “120% volunteer” positions Bob and I
both hold.
At the meeting today I have been tasked with compiling the average pay rate
for the Executive Director and the Assistant Director once I finally retire
or worse.
What we have currently is ED hours 20 hours a week and AED 15 hours a
week. This can also vary when one or the other can not be present for
extended periods of time. Schedule consists (usually) 5 days a week, 10-4
each day (10-5 in summer) and some Sunday/Monday events (about 5 per year)
ED responsible for planning events, research, liaison with the TAPS Board,
being the “face” of the museum, scheduling of volunteers, and
man-of-all-hats. The AED is pretty much the same with the additional
blessing of being the education coordinator with schools and the person to
object to the lofty plans of the ED.
We also know what these two jobs have entailed over the years as it was
something that slowly developed, but we know that when it comes time to
replace either myself or Bob in those rolls, we need to have better
requirements than “here are the keys…good luck”.
Any insight on what a job description for our situation would be is greatly
appreciated. We’ve experienced having people volunteer for staff positions
in the past and after two weeks or so, they quit. Hopefully by creating a
paid position we can be more assured that should either of our current
positions be suddenly vacated we have a better chance of getting a new
employee who will roll up their sleeves and continue with TAPS original
vision and mandate.
at your service,
Lewis Bartholomew
Founder & Executive Director
mrbarth at alberniproject.org
HMCS ALBERNI Museum and Memorial
5-625 Cliffe Avenue
Courtenay BC
The Alberni Project Society
TAP Mobile Exhibit Bookings
65 Salsbury Road
Courtenay, BC Canada V9N9L7
BC Reg Society: S-0062206
k103museum at alberniproject.org
Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw the
torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep,
though poppies grow in Flanders Fields.
Email is a non-secure form of communication and clients should not include
any sensitive account information in any email to The Alberni Project.
Le courriel n'est pas un mode de transmission securise et les clients
doivent s'abstenir d'y inclure tout renseignement sensible sur leur compte
dans toute communication electronique destinee a projet de Alberni.
In the spirit of reconciliation, we recognize that HAMM and TAPS are on the
traditional territory of the K’omoks First Nation. Dans un esprit de
réconciliation, nous reconnaissons que HAMM et TAPS se trouve sur te
territoire traditionnel de la Première Nation K’omoks.
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