[BCMA] Indigenous Museum Cousins at the CMA - register your cousin for Tuesday April 26 9am pst!

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu Apr 21 12:05:48 PDT 2022

Sii.ngaay ‘laa dalang ‘waadluxan, good day everyone,

Please spread far and wide!

Are you an INDIGENOUS MUSEUM COUSIN - are you a museum worker, artist, culture-bearer, researcher etc. working in or with colonial/western museums?

Don't miss the online session Indigenous Museum Cousins at 9am PST, April 26, at the Canadian Museum Association conference https://pheedloop.com/EVETTSDPLACHR/site/sessions/?event=EVETTSDPLACHR&section=132145&id=SESJ5EQ8RECPCYKL4 <https://pheedloop.com/EVETTSDPLACHR/site/sessions/?event=EVETTSDPLACHR&section=132145&id=SESJ5EQ8RECPCYKL4>

Open to Indigenous museum workers only. Please contact RECONCILIATION at MUSEUMS.CA <mailto:RECONCILIATION at MUSEUMS.CA> to register: 

On February 8, 2022 a group of Indigenous museum professionals were hosted by Saahlinda Naay Haida Gwaii Museum to discuss the relationship between their communities and the larger museum sector. This Listening Circle, which formed part of the CMA’s Reconciliation Program engagement strategy, became a therapeutic and open forum for discussion on the very serious problems faced by Indigenous museum professionals today.  
Fortified by this coming together of people, Saahlinda Naay began a pilot project called the Indigenous Museum Cousins Network, which they are now developing into an ongoing project, guided by Nika Collison, Lou-ann Neel, Lucy Bell and Karen Aird. 

Join Indigenous museum cousins Nika Collison, Lucy Bell and Gerry Lawson in this session to learn more about how the Indigenous Museum Cousins Network is evolving, how Indigenous museum workers can create their own safe spaces and to share our communal experiences with backing soundtrack of auntie laughter. Attached is a beautiful graphic recording from one of our pilot sessions by Kelly Foxcroft-Poirier of White Raven Consulting <3

Please note that the CMA session is closed to non-Indigenous participants. Graphic recorder Tiaré Lani <https://tiarelani.com/> will be listening in and providing non-participants a glimpse of the discussion happening inside. To view the artwork, visit the CMA Reconciliation Program booth in the Exhibit Hall. Tiaré (they) is a mixed Indigiqueer artist raised with Hawaiian values in one of their ancestral homelands, Lheidli T’enneh territories. Guided by body intuition, Indigenous aunties, queer & trans black feminism, they listen and draw to make visible collective wisdom and amplify narratives that nurture healing, belonging, co-liberation, and aliveness.

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