[BCMA] Fwd: FW: UPDATE : 150 Time Immemorial Grant Program
Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Nov 24 09:29:24 PST 2021
The 150 Time Immemorial Grant Program has been open for about two weeks and
we thought it was time to provide an update. If you do not find what you
need or you have questions, please contact us
<150TIGP at heritagebc.ca?subject=150TIGP>.
The 150 Time Immemorial Grant Program (150TIGP) is now featured on our
homepage: https://heritagebc.ca/. This will take you to everything you need
to submit an application to this one-time funding program. Including:
- Summary guide
- Information session notes in English with French translation (new)
- Backgrounder to the application form (new)
The application deadline is December 24.
The next online presentation will be December 2 at 10:00am (Pacific). This
presentation will be in English with French speaking support staff.
Topic: 150 Time Immemorial Grant Program
Meeting ID: 943 9710 1995
Passcode: 748775
One tap mobile
+16473744685,,94397101995#,,,,*748775# Canada
+16475580588,,94397101995#,,,,*748775# Canada
The third online meeting will be Wednesday, December 15 at 10:00am
(Pacific). This will be an opportunity for you to bring questions and to
discuss your projects.
We thought we should share further information, based on the questions we
have been receiving.
- Resiliency: we suggest you include a one or two sentence definition of
‘resiliency’ in your application. The summary guide provides some clues,
including these phrases: “resilient, dynamic and equitable future”,
“resilient from the impacts of climate change, and to ensure they are
preserved for continued access”, and “a vision of an open, diverse,
inclusive, and resilient BC for the next 150 years and beyond.”
- Universities may apply through their associated not-for-profit
business entity, typically a foundation. Alternatively, a partner
organization that meets the basic operating criteria can be the applicant.
- Community contribution companies (CCCs) are “for-profit corporations
that contribute the majority of profits to a social purpose. For example,
shareholder dividends are limited to 40% of annual profits and there are
guidelines for salaries paid to staff. CCCs do not receive donations or
income tax exemptions.” More can be found here
- Do not be concerned if your organization is associated with a Federal
or Provincial property. It is true that there is an extra verification
step, but we do not anticipate any issues arising from this. Simply, state
the association your organization has with the property and your
organization’s responsibilities to and use of the property. Attach an
agreement outlining the relationship and you should be good to go.
- Here is information about the funding streams overseen by First
Peoples’ Cultural Council:
NEW! Cultural Heritage Stewardship Grant
$10,000 - $25,000 for training and support for Indigenous people to act as
stewards of and experts on their heritage.
Indigenous Cultural Heritage Infrastructure Grant
$100,000 - $400,000 to support projects that conserve, repair or develop
Indigenous cultural heritage infrastructure.
A Sense of Place Grant
$10,000 - $25,000 to foster a greater understanding of the connection and
safeguarding practices between the land, environment and Indigenous
cultural heritage.
If you have any questions about the FPCC streams, please contact Paulina at
paulina at fpcc.ca.
- Museums and historic sites that are owned and operated by the same
local government will need to coordinate applications. The local government
will be recognized as the applicant and it is allowed to submit up to two
applications to a total of two streams. So, of a museum, archive, and
heritage attraction that are owned by a local government, only two can
submit applications.
- We recognize that your project may not be specific to one
property/site. You do not need to worry that the form suggests otherwise.
You simply need to explain the nature of your project and its application
to multiple sites.
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