[BCMA] Hootsuite alternative??

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue May 4 17:57:55 PDT 2021

Hey Shannon, you can schedule Twitter directly now! When you go to tweet,
it has a little calendar icon to press and schedule. We've just started
doing it too, so I don't know all of the details.. but it means we can just
get rid of Hootsuite completely!

*Joelle Hodgins*

*Museum Director*
*Rossland Museum & Discovery Centre*
PO Box 26 - 1100 Hwy 3B
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

*250-362-7722 (888-448-7444)*
We acknowledge that we live and work on unceded Sinixt təmxʷúlaʔxʷ

We are open year-round!
Tuesdays to Saturdays 10am-5pm
Find more details on our website <http://www.rosslandmuseum.ca/>.
Find us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/rosslandmuseum>, Twitter
<https://twitter.com/RosslandMuseum>, and Instagram

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 11:21 AM Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv <
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca> wrote:

> Good morning BCMA folk,
> Curious to hear from other social media managers about what you're using
> to schedule posts...  With Hootsuite recently changing their plans, like
> many of you, we're searching for another free or low cost alternative. FB
> Business Suite lets you schedule FB and IG posts, but it would be nice to
> have Twitter in there as well.
> Has anyone found another great option?
> I'd love to hear from you.
> *Shannon Macelli* BFA; MMed
> *Community Engagement Coordinator*
> Maple Ridge Museum & Community Archives
> mrmeventplanner at gmail.com
> office: 604-463-5311
> The Maple Ridge Museum & Community Archives respectfully acknowledges that
> we have the privilege to work, learn, and play on the traditional unceded
> territories of the Katzie and Kwantlen First Nations.
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