[BCMA] Canadian Museum Survey

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Mon Jun 14 09:22:29 PDT 2021


My name is Ayzel Calder, a Master’s student in the Information and Library Studies program at Robert Gordon University. I am studying the relationship between cataloguing terms and how that data is shared between organizations. A survey has been developed for curators and staff of Canadian museums to better understand the impact of controlled vocabularies on data and information exchange.

There are different views on the benefits of using individual versus standardized cataloguing vocabularies, and how they can impact information exchange. Understanding how different museums choose to classify their inventory can help to identify inconsistency in context and meaning. The primary purpose of this survey is to better understand how controlled vocabularies impact data exchange between museums. When entering or indexing content, what process is used for cataloguing terms; are established standards followed or have localized rules been developed; how are shared exhibitions catalogued; and other questions.

Participating in this study will contribute to a deeper understanding of how indexing practice in Canadian museums can impact information exchange.

Survey participants can opt to receive aggregate results once the research project is complete, providing insight into the state of information exchange across Canadian museums.

The survey can be accessed here:

If you have any questions, please email me at a.calder at rgu.ac.uk


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