[BCMA] Nominate an Indigenous Artist or Businessperson for the B.C. Achievement Awards

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri Jun 11 09:24:00 PDT 2021

Every year, the *B.C. Achievement Foundation*
<https://www.bcachievement.com> honours a variety of fields and communities
*. *The organization is now accepting nominations for Indigenous art,
design, and business awards.

The slogan, “Elevate Excellence. Share Success. Inspire Change”, plainly
states the goal of the organization: to celebrate the best of the best in
British Columbia “while inspiring others to build stronger and more engaged

Awards up for nomination at this time are: the Indigenous Business Award
Program, the Fulmer Award in First Nations Art, and the Carter Wosk Award
Program in Applied Art and Design. You can nominate *here*

Those awards break down as follows:
Indigenous Business Award (IBA) Program

*Nominations open: June 1 to 30*

This award program recognizes outstanding Indigenous business
accomplishments and entrepreneurs across the province. Categories for this
award are Young Entrepreneur, Business of the Year, Community-Owned
Business, and Business Partnership of the Year.
Fulmer Award in First Nations Art

*Nominations open: June 1 to July 7*

Winners are chosen in this category to those who, through traditional,
contemporary or media art, have proven a dedication to their art practice,
created a body of work, and are established artists in their communities.
Carter Wosk Award in Applied Art and Design Program

*Nominations open June 1 to July 14*

Awards in this program recognize artists who contribute to the cultural
economy of the province through their art and design work. Practical or
functional artists and designers may be considered for this award.
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