Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Dec 1 14:24:30 PST 2021

Good Afternoon,

I just wanted to share that Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame recently launched a call for an Indigenous illustrator, I would be grateful if you could share and forward to your network.


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Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame will launch the first two editions of the Indigenous Sport Heroes Literature Series in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day 2022 and is looking to commission an Indigenous artist to complete eight (8) illustrations to be included.

Is this someone in your community? Forward this opportunity along!

Call for Indigenous Illustrator Details:

•       Size of book is 5.5” x 7.8”

•       The illustrations will include two cover illustrations (one for each book) – full page illustration including the book title, pre-existing logo and any additional verbiage

•       Four (4) landscape illustrations and two (2) portrait illustrations

•       Final illustrations to be submitted to Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame on or before January 17, 2022

Application Details:

•       Provide a copy of your portfolio (link or attachment) and responses to the prompts below in an email to – mailto:publications at cshof.ca

o   Why does this project interest you? (150 words max)

o   Provide outline of the top three (3) projects you have provided illustrations for (250 words max)

o   Identify your capacity to deliver final illustrations by Monday, January 17, 2022

•       Provide a quote for the project within the $4,000-$5,000 range

•       Submission Deadline: December 10, 2021
If you have any questions or clarifications, please reply to publications at cshof.ca<mailto:publications at cshof.ca> and someone from our team will get back to you.

Thank you,
Noor Fatima
Indigenous Projects Liaison | Agente de liaison, projets autochtones
Phone: 403.776.1054

Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame | sportshall.ca<http://www.sportshall.ca/>
Panthéon des sports canadiens | pantheonsports.ca<http://www.pantheonsports.ca/>
Charitable Registration #118828631 RR0001

[Email Signature - Winter 2021-2022]

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