[BCMA] Open House at HAMM

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri May 31 12:36:09 PDT 2024

Hello there!

I want to extend an invitation to all nearby museums and their staff to our Open House we are hosting at HAMM next Thursday (6 June 2024) so you all will have an opportunity to visit HAMM before the summer tourist season keeps us too busy to visit each other’s facility.

The 6th of June is the 80th Anniversary of “Operation Torch”, more commonly known as D-Day.  We felt that of all the days to host an after-hours opening, this anniversary date would make more sense as D-Day relates to the sinking of HMCS ALBERNI (also 80 years ago in August). Our main summer exhibit just opened up to the public about the sinking of Alberni and the sailors who were killed in the sinking.  The research for this exhibit has been a 25-year project and we are thrilled to finally present it on this significant anniversary year.

The hours we will be open that day are 10 am - 8 pm.  We are waiving our admission for the day.  We will not be serving any kind of beverage (other than bottled water) but we will have James’ Anzac Biscuits. The biscuits have always been a favourite of visitors to HAMM during our Anzac Week (and Vancouver Island Anzac Day) in April of every year.

We will also hold a drawing for a Gift Shop door prize from all the visitors that come in on that day.  

I hope that you and some of your summer staff can make it to see what HAMM has done since we moved from our huge space in Comox to our Tardis-like facility down the dark halls of the Courtenay Mall. 

at your service,

Lewis Bartholomew
Founder & Executive Director

mrbarth at alberniproject.org

HMCS ALBERNI Museum and Memorial
5-625 Cliffe Avenue
Courtenay BC

The Alberni Project Society
TAP Mobile Exhibit Bookings
65 Salsbury Road
Courtenay, BC Canada V9N9L7
BC Reg Society: S-0062206
Charitable Tax Number: 820205631RR0001

k103museum at alberniproject.org <mailto:k103museum at alberniproject.org>

HAMM is a member of:
Small Museums Association of North America
Canadian Museums Association
British Columbia Museums Association
Vancouver Island Museums Association
Comox Valley Museum Association
Organization of Military Museums of Canada

Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders Fields. 

Email is a non-secure form of communication and clients should not include any sensitive account information in any email to The Alberni Project. Le courriel n'est pas un mode de transmission securise et les clients doivent s'abstenir d'y inclure tout renseignement sensible sur leur compte dans toute communication electronique destinee a projet de Alberni. 

With gratitude, we live and work within the Coast Salish and Salish Sea region - on the unceded traditional territories of K'omoks, ɬaʔamɩn gɩǰɛ (Tla’amin/ Sliammon), Homalco, We Wai Kai and We Wei Kum, and Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group - traditional keepers of these lands. Avec gratitude, nous vivons et travaillons dans la région des Salish de la côte et de la mer des Salish - sur les territoires traditionnels non cédés des K'omoks, ɬaʔamɩn gɩǰɛ (Tla'amin/ Sliammon), Homalco, We Wai Kai et We Wei Kum, et Hul'qumi. 'num Treaty Group - gardiens traditionnels de ces terres.

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