[BCMA] Joint BCMA & FPCC New National Museum Policy Position Paper

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue May 14 13:12:52 PDT 2024

The BC Museums Association is pleased to share our *New National Museum
Policy Position Paper*, written in collaboration with First Peoples'
Cultural Council

This paper presents the collective position of FPCC and BCMA on the urgent
need for a new National Museum Policy (NMP) that centres on Indigenous
rights and autonomy. This paper was developed in response to current work
being undertaken by the Government of Canada to review and modernize the
existing NMP, which was created in 1972 and last updated in 1990.

FPCC and the BCMA have come together, walking alongside one another, to
urge the Government of Canada to be fully engaged with and guided by the
expertise of Indigenous Peoples, according to the principles of Free Prior
and Informed Consent (FPIC) and in alignment with the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), throughout the
process of developing a new NMP.

Read the paper here
<https://museum.bc.ca/brain/national-museum-policy-paper/>, in either a
desktop or mobile-friendly format.



Leia Patterson
Member & Partnership Coordinator
Pronouns <https://equity.ubc.ca/resources/gender-diversity/pronouns/>:

The BC Museums Association office is located on the traditional, unceded
lands of the Lekwungen <https://vimeo.com/275788251> peoples (Songhees and
Xwsepsum Nations). We respect past, present, and future Indigenous stewards
and recognize that we are uninvited guests on this territory.

BC Museums Association || 675 Belleville Street  || Victoria, BC || V8W 9W2

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