[BCMA] Polygon Award in First Nations Art (FNA) and the Sam Carter Award in Applied Art + Design (AAD)

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu Jun 27 13:49:13 PDT 2024


BC Achievement is in the final days of the 2024 call for nominations of its two art programs: Polygon Award in First Nations Art<https://www.bcachievement.com/award/bc-achievement-first-nations-art-award-2024/> (FNA) and the Sam Carter Award in Applied Art + Design<https://www.bcachievement.com/award/bc-achievement-applied-art-design-2024/> <https://www.bcachievement.com/award/bc-achievement-applied-art-design-2024/> (AAD) and we welcome your support in sharing this opportunity.

Nominate a BC artist or designer for excellence in their field. The Call for Nominations for both the
Polygon Award in First Nations Art and the Sam Carter Award in Applied Art + Design Award are open until June 30th. Those who start an online nomination by June 30th will get an extension until midnight July 7th to complete their submission.

Don't miss out on this chance to recognize an outstanding artist in your community!

Submissions are encouraged for emerging and established artists from across the province.

Hurry and nominate now at bcachievement.com<https://bcachievement.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=743d3a3da1fc081bba4a4476b&id=7c97a1e2fe&e=a1b574152e>!

Thank you

Rup Grewal
Program and Communications Director | BC Achievement Foundation
604.261.9777 Ext 102

ELEVATE – sign up today!<https://www.bcachievement.com/newsletter/>

The BC Achievement Foundation is grateful to be located on the unceded ancestral territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations.

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