[BCMA] Effectively Incorporate AI Technology Into Your Publishing Journey

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Sun Jun 23 00:55:24 PDT 2024

Dear Readers,

Making sense of the various AI tools at your disposal and assessing how you
might integrate them into your workflow is daunting to even the most
tech-savvy. *Dr. Chhavi Chauhan, Director of Scientific Outreach at the
American Society for Investigative Pathology and Program Manager at Women
in AI*, will offer clarity on this topic by breaking down best practices
when reviewing and implementing AI technology to make your workflow more

During this 25-minute discussion, you will learn how to:


   Identify relevant AI plugins for your publishing needs

   Compose effective prompts to ensure the highest quality outcome

   Strategically incorporate AI technology into your workflow to lessen
   your workload

*The event will be held on July 9, 2024 at 10:00 EST / 16:00 CET *

*Register for the discussion today!

*BONUS: At the end of each session, we will run a bonus 15-minute ‘collab
lab’ where attendees can ask questions and share best practices to turn
theory into practice and create an action plan for your institution.*

*Elana Lubka*
Marketing Manager


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