[BCMA] Typewriters for Deaccessioning

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Jun 18 16:25:15 PDT 2024

Hello everyone,

As part of our deaccessioning protocols, we are listing 4
recently deaccessioned typewriters that are up for acquisition to other
historical societies. These typewriters are in fair condition and
unfortunately, do not come with any documentation and therefore, do not fit
within our collection policies mandate.

If there is something here that you are interested in, feel free to contact

Casey Bennett
*Project Coordinator*

*Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin*
*1660B Broadway Ave S. Williams Lake, BC*
*V2G 4W4, **250.39*
*www.cowboy-museum.com* <http://www.cowboy-museum.com/>

*Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin is grateful to be located on the territory
of the T'exelcemc (Williams Lake First Nation) of the Secwépemc
Nation. **Serving
on the traditional territory of the Secwépemc, Tŝilhqot'in, and Dakelh
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