[BCMA] Invitation to Register for Historic Places Days 2024

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu Jun 13 10:36:18 PDT 2024

Do you own or operate a place that has cultural significance and want to share its story with a national audience? We invite you to register your heritage place to join in on this free national marketing opportunity that reaches people across Canada. This year Historic Places Days runs from July 10 through July 17th.

Now in its eighth year, Historic Places Days is bigger than ever with an updated toolkit, #VisitLists, in person events, and many opportunities to amplify the story of your site. Over 2.4 million people were reached by the campaign last year, and we are poised to reach even more. This free awareness/visitation program is presented by the National Trust for Canada and Parks Canada.

Our theme for 2024 is Food and Garden!  From traditional dishes made from historic recipes to beautiful gardens that offer connection to our past. Let’s come together and celebrate the stories, flavours and beauty that make these historic places special.

Registration takes less than ten minutes and it’s free to participate!
Register here: https://historicplacesday.ca/for-sites/

Jess Sadlowski (she/her/elle)
Historic Places Coordinator
E jsadlowski at nationaltrustcanada.ca

[cid:d690f35c-4402-4294-b7ef-90d6658b5bf4]<http://www.nationaltrustcanada.ca/>nationaltrustcanada.ca<http://nationaltrustcanada.ca/> │ fiducienationalecanada.ca<http://fiducienationalecanada.ca/>
We respectfully acknowledge the ancestral Lands where we live, work, and benefit from present and historical relationships with diverse Indigenous Peoples. | Nous reconnaissons respectueusement les terres ancestrales sur lesquelles nous vivons, travaillons et bénéficions des relations présentes et historiques avec divers peuples autochtones.
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