[BCMA] Museum Assistant - Quensel & District Museum

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Feb 21 13:36:50 PST 2024

The Quesnel Museum is looking for a museum assistant.  This is a permanent, part- time position, and is not tied to grant funding.
Please see attached for the job descriptiona and qualifications.


As an aside I am a few years from official retirement,  so there is the potential  for career growth/succession planning.

Elizabeth Hunter
Museum & Heritage Manager City of Quesnel
Quesnel Museum & Archives
705 Carson Ave.  Quesnel BC V2J 2B6
250-992-9580     ehunter at quesnel.ca
www.quesnelmuseum.ca<http://www.quesnelmuseum.ca/>  Facebook: @quesnelmuseum

We live, work and play on the unceded territory of the Lhtako Dene.

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