[BCMA] Request for Research Assistance - Museum Practice Questionnaire
Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Mon Feb 19 12:57:55 PST 2024
My name is Sierra McKinney and I am a doctoral student at the University of Montréal in the Department of Anthropology, working under the supervision of Dr. Katherine Cook. I am seeking volunteers to respond to a museum practice questionnaire in support of my doctoral research.
As part of this research, I am reaching out to professionals working in heritage institutions across Canada to identify how museums are addressing the negative emotions, specifically guilt and shame, that experienced by visitors as they engage with the difficult or upsetting histories. Although little information is available regarding the presence of negative visitor emotions in museum interpretation, programming, or policy, I know current museum practice and academic literature do not always align. As such I created this questionnaire to identify the innovative and unique techniques employed by museums to teach Canadian colonial history and discuss other potentially distressing topics.
Attached to this email you will find the questionnaire and a participant consent form. For ease of access and data security concerns, the questionnaire has been provided as a word document. If you are interesting in participating, I will be accepting responses at Sierra.mckinney at umontreal.ca<mailto:Sierra.mckinney at umontreal.ca> until the end of April. I have kept the questionnaire in English however, I can provide a French version of the questionnaire if requested.
Please feel free to answer it collaboratively with your colleagues or to forward it to those who may be interested. If you have any questions or would like any additional documentation or alternative formats, please let me know. I am very happy to provide anything else you may need or to arrange a time to discuss my work further.
My apologies if this is a duplicate email for those of you who are also in the CANMUSE list serve, however as I wasn’t sure how different these two lists maybe, I thought I would post it here as well. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!
Sierra McKinney
Doctoral Candidate
Université de Montréal | Anthropology
sierra.mckinney at umontreal.ca<mailto:sierra.mckinney at umontreal.ca>
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