[BCMA] [EXTERNAL] Outreach kits
Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu Feb 15 16:07:01 PST 2024
It would be helpful if you provided contact information so that we could reply directly. I also checked your website but could find only a generic email.
Many of the school programs that we offer can be run as outreach programs.
By far the most popular is our First Nations Program, but I have also taken the rocks and minerals, Community Developmen,t and Museum Curator programs out to schools.
We just increased our charges to $60 for a half day ( up to 3 hours) and $120 for a full day which partially offsets staff wages.
(The rate was originally set to reflect 2 hours of the average wage of the 2 staff members who delivered education programs) With cost of living increases and the fact that I end up doing the majority of in school programming, because our museum assistant works part time hours in the winter and we have had turn over in that position for the last couple of years, it was time to make an adjustment.
We are hauling a fair amount of hands on materials, so for the most part we will only book to deliver one program per visit, although we may deliver it more than once to several classes.
Typically schools will book two half days and we set up in the library or the music room and deliver various versions of the First Nations and cultural exchange program to every class in the school.
30 min for the kindergarten and grade 1, 45 min to 1 hour for older classes and they may double up and put 2 classes together to get everyone through.
Since they do not have bussing costs there has never been any objection to paying our modest fees.
The First Nations program was originally designed ( c 2008) as an outreach exhibit with pop up banners, a box of hands on materials, oral history videos and lesson plans that schools could rent for up to 2 weeks, but we had very little uptake. They much prefer us to deliver the program. Occasionally they rent the exhibit and hire the Elder who we worked with on the video projects to deliver the program.
I also take groupings of artifacts and hands on materials to the local seniors home. Usually we are picking a theme and the intent is to spark memories so I try to pick things that would be familiar from the resident's youth and working life. Sometimes I also gather useful information from the stories they tell me. Again we charge the ½ day outreach fee since these are one off programs so that covers the time at the home and some of the time selecting the material. ( At a previous museum we had about 4-5 seniors homes that we visited a couple of times a year. I would develop the theme and select the material but I had several volunteers who would take turns implementing the presentations. We did charge, but I no longer recall the rate.)
Elizabeth Hunter
Museum & Heritage Manager City of Quesnel
Quesnel Museum & Archives
705 Carson Ave. Quesnel BC V2J 2B6
250-992-9580 ehunter at quesnel.ca
www.quesnelmuseum.ca<http://www.quesnelmuseum.ca/> Facebook: @quesnelmuseum
We live, work and play on the unceded territory of the Lhtako Dene.
From: Listserv <listserv-bounces at lists.museum.bc.ca> On Behalf Of Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 10:31 AM
To: listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [BCMA] Outreach kits
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We are in the final stages of creating a series of outreach exhibit kits that will go to classrooms with an employee or volunteer to facilitate hands on learning. I am curious if other museums have similar programs and what, if anything, you charge for this experience. Thank you for your assistance!
Elizabeth Shaw (she/her)
Programs Manager
Sooke Region Museum
The Sooke Region Museum operates in the territories of the T'Sou-ke, Scia'new, and Pacheedaht peoples, who have inhabited this land since time immemorial.
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