[BCMA] Audio Guides for Museums

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri Feb 2 14:50:19 PST 2024


We've been looking into possibly getting some audio guides for our museum
here, the handheld type where visitors are prompted within a display to
press a few buttons and an audio recording starts playing that goes into
more depth about the particular display or artefact.

We've gotten a quote from Orpheo and are interested to see if anyone else
has used them before and what they think of them. They're also one of the
only companies that we've been able to find that makes that type of audio
guide, so we're also interested if any other museums have gone with another
company and what they thought of them.

Any information is very much appreciated.

Cameron Bridge

Cameron Bridge

NVMA Museum Manager

Nicola Valley Museum & Archives

(250) 378-4145

Nicolavalleymusem.org <http://nicolavalleymuseum.org>

1675 Tutill Court, Merritt, B.C., V1K 1B8

Check out our Facebook Page to learn about the history of the Nicola Valley!
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