[BCMA] Interpretation Canada 2024 On-Line Conference - Call for Proposals

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Apr 3 08:07:42 PDT 2024

Hi all,

Please find the Call for Proposals for Interpretation Canada's 2024 On-Line
Conference below and attached for your/your members' information:

Sustaining Wellness: How do we best support Ourselves, our Audiences, and
our World?

September 23-26, 2024


In an era marked by continuing disruption and change, interpreters play a
crucial role in fostering on-going connections between people and the
natural and cultural heritage around them. Join us at Interpretation
Canada’s 2024 online conference as we address the intersectionality of
wellness, sustainability and interpretation.

This conference will provide us with the opportunity to explore tools,
strategies, and insights to help cultivate and sustain wellness within
ourselves, our workplaces, and the communities or environments that we
serve. Whether it's embracing mindfulness practices in interpretation,
promoting sustainable stewardship of natural resources, fostering inclusive
and equitable spaces, or enhancing professional development opportunities,
we welcome proposals that offer innovative approaches and actionable
solutions leading to healthier outcomes in the field of interpretation.

Participants are encouraged to submit proposals that reflect a diverse
range of perspectives, experiences, and methodologies.This can include
mental, physical, social, financial, spiritual, environmental, and
professional facets of this theme. Interpretation Canada envisions a
conference program that fosters dialogue, collaboration, and positive
change. Submit your proposals today and be part of this dynamic
conversation shaping the future of natural and heritage interpretation.



   How does your proposed session address the intersectionality of
   wellness, sustainability, and interpretation?

   Can you elaborate on how your session promotes sustainable stewardship
   of natural or cultural resources?

   In what ways does your proposal embrace mindfulness practices in

   How does your session contribute to fostering inclusive and equitable
   spaces in interpretation?

   What insights or strategies does your session offer for enhancing
   professional development opportunities in the field?

   How does your proposal address mental, physical, social, financial,
   spiritual, environmental, or professional facets of the conference theme?

   Can you provide examples of how your session will lead to healthier
   outcomes in the field of interpretation?

   How does your session encourage participants to explore tools,
   strategies, and insights for cultivating wellness within themselves, their
   workplaces, and the communities or environments they serve?

   What makes your approach or solution innovative in the context of
   interpretation and wellness?

    How will your session contribute to shaping the future of natural and
   heritage interpretation?



   EXPLORATION: a 20 minute exploration of your topic, followed by 20
   minutes for discussion and questions.

   PANEL: a wide-ranging, hosted discussion of an idea or case study with 2
   or more presenters (plus a panel host) each bringing different
   perspectives. 60 minutes including audience questions and discussion.

   YOUR IDEA: if there's another format that works better for your content,
   please describe it!


Proposals due by April 5th, 2024.


Have questions? Send an email to:OnlinePD at interpretationcanada.ca
<conference at interpretationcanada.ca>
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