[BCMA] Call for Submissions - New Heritage Industrial Cultural Map

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Mar 8 11:22:58 PST 2023

At Heritage BC <https://heritagebc.ca/> we’re excited to announce we will
be developing a new interactive map to geolocate and share BC’s industrial
heritage. This project will add to our popular online Cultural Maps
<https://heritagebc.ca/cultural-maps/> series.

Industrial growth profoundly changed the province, establishing communities
and infrastructure, and contributing to a strong provincial economy,
largely from extracting natural resources. This map will aim to look at the
full range of legacies from industrial activity, both positive and
negative, and seek to better understand how communities are contending with
these legacies today.

While industrial activity is usually considered as occurring in the 19th
and 20th centuries, Heritage BC’s project will be guided by UNESCO’s
definition of industrial archaeology, which exists in all phases of human
development. Submissions from BC indigenous communities with what they
value as their industrial heritage will be welcomed. Submission intake
closes on June 9th, 2023.

I have attached a flyer which you can share or use to help us spread the
word about this project to colleagues or those you think would be
interested. For more detailed information on this project such as an FAQ
<https://heritagebc.ca/cultural-maps/industrial-heritage/#FAQ> or to submit
a site
please head to our website

If you have questions about the Industrial Heritage Inventory & Cultural
Map Project please contact our project collaborator Diane Mitchell at
culturalmaps at heritagebc.ca.

[image: Industrial Map Banner (2).png]

Jennyce Hoffman (she/her)
Communications, Membership & Development Coordinator

*➤--Follow us **@heritagebcanada <https://linktr.ee/heritagebc>*

➤--*Subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter

*As an organization of provincial scope, Heritage BC recognizes that
its members, and the local history and heritage they seek to preserve,
occupy the lands and territories of B.C.’s Indigenous peoples. Heritage BC
asks its members to reflect on the places where they reside and work, and
to respect the diversity of cultures and experiences that form the richness
of our provincial heritage. Learn more about whose land you live on.
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