[BCMA] Reminder RE: 2023 Terry Reksten Memorial Fund Applications now Open!
Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri Jul 28 15:25:40 PDT 2023
Apologies for cross posting
Dear colleagues - a reminder that the call for applications to the Terry Reksten Memorial Fund is the end of the day Friday August 4th.
Please send any questions to info at friendsbcarchives.ca<mailto:info at friendsbcarchives.ca>
Lara Wilson (she/her)
President, Friends of the BC Archives
Director, Special Collections & University Archivist
University of Victoria Libraries
From: Lara Wilson
Sent: Tuesday, July 4, 2023 4:22 PM
To: Archives BC Listserv <archives-bc at googlegroups.com>; listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Subject: 2023 Terry Reksten Memorial Fund Applications now Open!
Apologies for cross posting
2023 Terry Reksten Memorial Fund Applications now Open!
The Friends of the BC Archives is pleased to announce the doubling of its Terry Reksten Memorial Fund (TRMF) grants from $1,000 to $2,000 each.
Launched in 2002, the Terry Reksten Memorial Fund has provided 28 grants to local and regional archives from Bowen Island to the Bulkley Valley and beyond. The FBCA recognizes that, like many British Columbians, community archives have felt the burden of the rising costs in recent years. To provide greater assistance, and ensure the fund remains useful, the FBCA is now offering two annual grants of $2,000, to support institutions to organize, describe, and disseminate information about archival materials in their care.
The FBCA is honoured to administer the TRMF. Applications are adjudicated by FBCA board members in collaboration with the Reksten family and members of the Archives Association of BC.
This fund originated with a generous donation from the Reksten family, who remain dedicated supporters of the award. FBCA members and donors have also contributed over the years, allowing the grant to remain sustainable. We welcome your help. Consider joining the Friends for as low as $10 a year, or consider a one one-time donation to help the FBCA continue our support for British Columbia's documentary heritage.
Applications for the 2023 TRMF awards are due 4 August 2023. Click here for additional details and application instructions: https://friendsofbcarchives.wordpress.com/trmf/.
Good luck to all applicants, and thank you to everyone for your support for community archives across British Columbia!
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