[BCMA] POS systems

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri Jan 20 14:58:22 PST 2023

Hi there Karen,

Here at HAMM we found amazing POS system from Square.  Very low fees, takes Visa/MC, and Interac.  It even takes cash with no fees.

We’ve been with Square since their beginning and now have their small hand held terminal which we use for all of our transactions, from admissions to donations to gift shop to invoicing.  All of our items that need to go through the POS system are easily accessible through their online inventory control system.  You can enter non taxable as well as taxable amount.  The moment we run a sale our treasurer/accountant gets an email notification as well as week end or month end reports.

We also would be able to use our iPad as a keypad for the system, but we found that the hand held unit to be perfect for its size, wireless capability, and style (it is not like the standard black “90s Cordless Phone” look.  

It doesn’t take much time to set it all up.  Make sure you have everything you currently want to run through the POS (we run everything currency related) ready before hand, then use their website dashboard to enter all your departments.  It is a slight learning curve but once you’ve entered one or two items, you’ll see how easy it is.  Once it is saved on the website dashboard, all that information is then downloaded into the hand held (or tablet) device.  Your inventory control is taken care of.  You can even keep track of staff hours, check ins and outs, etc.

at your service,

Lewis Bartholomew
Founder & Executive Director

mrbarth at alberniproject.org

HMCS ALBERNI Museum and Memorial
5-625 Cliffe Avenue
Courtenay BC

The Alberni Project Society
TAP Mobile Exhibit Bookings
65 Salsbury Road
Courtenay, BC Canada V9N9L7
BC Reg Society: S-0062206

k103museum at alberniproject.org

Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep,
though poppies grow in Flanders Fields. 

Email is a non-secure form of communication and clients should not include any sensitive account information in any email to The Alberni Project. Le courriel n'est pas un mode de transmission securise et les clients doivent s'abstenir d'y inclure tout renseignement sensible sur leur compte dans toute communication electronique destinee a projet de Alberni. 

In the spirit of reconciliation, we recognize that HAMM and TAPS are on the traditional territory of the K’omoks First Nation.  Dans un esprit de réconciliation, nous reconnaissons que HAMM et TAPS se trouve sur te territoire traditionnel de la Première Nation K’omoks.

> On Jan 20, 2023, at 8:26 AM, Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv <listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca> wrote:
> Hi colleagues,
> I'm interested in learning about what POS systems you would recommend. We're currently with Lightspeed, and I'm not happy with how service has been for the last 3 months. 
> I need something that tracks inventory, gift shop sales and tickets, as well as customer (primarily membership) info. Integration with an online store feature would be fantastic.
> I'm aware of Profitek and have requested a quote. Are there other platforms you've used and like?
> Many Thanks,
> Karen
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> The Fraser River Discovery Centre is located on the traditional territory of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ and Halq̓eméylem speaking peoples. Territory acknowledgement is one small part of Reconciliation. Please take a moment to think of other ways you can participate in Reconciliation with Indigenous communities.
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