[BCMA] Looking for Photographic Process Term

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Jan 3 11:56:51 PST 2023

Hello Sonia,

>From your photograph, I think you are looking at solar enlargements, also known as crayon portraits.  Katie Whitman has a great article on these types of images: History (culturalheritage.org)<http://resources.culturalheritage.org/pmgtopics/2005-volume-eleven/11_14_Whitman.pdf>.  They are photographic enlargements (usually salted paper prints) with friable media applied overtop to add definition and sometimes colour.

I hope that's helpful!

Lauren Buttle    (She/Her)        Archival Conservator  |  Archives

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From: Listserv <listserv-bounces at lists.museum.bc.ca> On Behalf Of Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv
Sent: Monday, January 2, 2023 10:42 AM
To: listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Subject: [BCMA] Looking for Photographic Process Term

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Is anyone able to tell us what the term is for a photograph that's been processed or altered in such a way that it looks almost like a painting or sketch? We have a number of framed portraits like this; visually they fall halfway between a photograph and a painting. In some cases, we have the original photograph that was clearly used to create the altered portrait. (Sample attached)

There must be a name for this, but we just haven't been able to find what that is!

Sonia Nicholson
Saanich Pioneer Society
saanichpioneersociety at outlook.com<mailto:saanichpioneersociety at outlook.com>

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