[BCMA] Two Rivers Gallery Call for Submissions: Nonreturnable

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Jan 17 14:40:30 PST 2023

Call for Submissions from Artists in British Columbia: Nonreturnable
Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George
[image: call-for-submissions-plastic-square.jpg]

Call for Submissions: *Nonreturnable*

Submission Deadline: 4:00pm on Monday, March 6, 2023
Exhibition: July 23 to October 8, 2023 (subject to change)

Since the 1950’s, the global production of plastic has skyrocketed from two
million tonnes (or ten thousand blue whales) to nearly 400 million tonnes
(or two million blue whales). It comprises the bones of our furniture, the
packaging around our food, and the gum we chew. It is progressively
insidious, making its way into table salt and breast milk. Countless
movements have attempted to combat this, with recent campaigns including
the boycotting of plastic straws and grocery bags. Meanwhile, a group of
one-hundred companies continue to create more than 90% of all global
plastic waste.

Our collective wish to decrease plastic to combat the climate crisis is
challenged by our desire for its convenience and affordability. Many of the
solutions designed and advertised to be sustainable are inaccessible due to
high cost and often a lack of willingness from industry to adapt or pursue
alternatives. This tension between the need to simultaneously eradicate and
consume single use items has been heightened by the prevalence of
disposable goods as we grapple with the pandemic. How does this complicated
relationship with plastic inform our relationship with the land, our
bodies, and future generations?

Two Rivers Gallery invites artists from across BC whose work explores our
relationship with plastic to share their perspective through visual art in
any medium. Work might consider critiques, solutions, or other themes that
speak to plastic and its impact individually, societally, and

Submission Details
To submit online, visit https://form.jotform.com/223116273634249

You will be asked to upload:

   - Images, or links to images, and dimensions of up to six artworks
   produced within the last five years
   - A short (no more than 200 words) statement linking each work to the
   call theme which may be exhibited alongside your work
   - CV
   - Artist bio
   - Contact information
   - A brief statement about why this call interests you

If you would prefer a different submission method, such as an interview or
video submission, or need any further assistance with your application,
please contact Assistant Curator Kait Herlehy at kaitlyn at tworiversgallery.ca or
(250) 614 7800 ext. 7492 and they would be happy to make arrangements.

If your work is selected:

   - You will receive a CARFAC artist fee
   - Two Rivers Gallery will reimburse up to $80 of outgoing shipping costs
   - Artwork will be returned to the address of origin at Two Rivers
   Gallery’s expense

Submission Deadline: 4:00pm on Monday, March 6, 2023

Direct enquiries to:
Assistant Curator, Kait Herlehy
(250) 614 7800 ext. 7492 | kaitlyn at tworiversgallery.ca
Two Rivers Gallery, 725 Canada Games Way, Prince George, BC  V2L 5T1

Roxanne Heroux-Boulay (She, Her, Hers)
Communications Coordinator & Graphic Designer
www.tworiversgallery.ca | @TwoRiversGallery

Gratefully located on the traditional, unceded territory of the Lheidli

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